Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Chase Now Sings!

He will sing the "E-I-E-I-O" part of Old McDonald, but it comes out like O-E-O-E-O.

Now that he's finally saying more words, he finally calls the Fresh Beat Band the Beats.  He also says their names in the intro song.  So cute!  Kiki, Shou, Me-ena, Twiss.  Also during their ending song, he will sing the La, la, la part.  Love!!

His school teachers say he also sings Baa, Baa, Black Sheep with his friend Wynton.  They run around the room saying Baa, Baa, Baa, Baa!  I haven't seen him do this yet!


One Sunday we were all sitting in the living room watching the Lion King for the first time.  I was on the couch nursing Cooper, Chase was on the other end of the couch playing with some toy, and Drew was at the kitchen table with his laptop (probably on some Auburn message board!).
I somehow swallowed the wrong way and I start choking pretty badly for about a minute or so.  I was coughing/gagging and it took me a long time to inhale because my throat felt closed up.

So in my time of misery, Cooper still continues to eat like nothing is wrong and Chase starts making fun of me!  He starts coughing and laughing over and over again.  Drew was the only one to come to my rescue with a glass of water!

Thanks kids!

Thursday, January 5, 2012


There are few things that Chase does not like.  Diaper changes.  Turning the TV off.  Getting his teeth brushed.  Being fed (he likes to do it himself).  In general, not getting his way.

We have recently discovered somethings that Chase absolutely hates.

Get ready.  They are doozies.

Footed pajamas


Fleece pants

He acts as if the we are trying to kill him when we put those two things on him.  He will NOT stop screaming or crying until we take them off.   So strange!

Saturday, December 10, 2011


I'm not the only one "nesting" in our house.  When going to bed at night, Chase curls up and sleeps in one of the corners of his crib.  He's lying so that he can't even stretch out his legs.  He wants all his stuffed animals and blankets on his end of the crib as well, so three-quarters of his crib is totally unoccupied and he and all his stuff is taking up the other end.  I don't know how well he's going to take moving to a full-sized big boy bed later this winter since he doesn't want to use up all that space!

Belly Button

Chase and I were cuddling in bed this morning as both of us trying to fully wake up.  During this my t-shirt must have ridden up some and Chase noticed my belly button on my now 7 1/2 month pregnant stomach.  He leaned in real close to get a good look at it with a very puzzled, curious look on his face.  He then made a grunting, disgusted sound and then pulled my shirt back down!

Sunday, October 9, 2011


I finally caught Chase mimicking me when I sneeze today. I thought he had been doing it some mornings in the car (I drive into the sun when I take him to school and bright sun makes me sneeze!). Well this afternoon he was eating a snack in his chair and I was sitting on the couch. I had two monster sneezes and when I recover, I look over at Chase and he is throwing his head forward saying "aa-choo" with a big smile! We then milked it from him a few more times! So precious!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Random Words

Chase says such random words!!  He doesn't have words for things he needs everyday - diaper, bed, milk, cookie, etc.  No, he says things like "yellow", "hippo", "baboon".  He has a list of like 20 to 30 words, and these are the words that are part of the list?? :)

Chase has gotten really good lately at repeating the words when we say them to him (particularly when we are driving in the car).  When we ask him to say the word "Outside" though, he says "Go"!